Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Pilgrim Verses 111-120

 111. No more fighting now


Forgive me friend if I fight no more

My spirit’s tired and besides

Despairing of what my early anger had achieved

Lacking now the certainties

And impatience of my youth

The idealism too


The faraway hills no longer call

The home fire warms just fine

Familiar faces give respite

In a world that ever changes.

112. God doesn’t talk


God doesn’t talk, you know

It’s only you and I somehow

Who speak to him or her

Hoping for an answer.


But the words returning are

The words we framed ourselves

God never speaks in human tongue

Except through nature and our world.


He never changes, only us,

Who switch the channels on the radio

At times we listen well

At times the static dulls.


We find him at the core

There if we only look

Present in every man

In every plant and being.


Revelation is the act of finding

What is always there

It’s mind bending

To find him everywhere.


But absent when there’s hate

Or violent despair

Hope spells his middle name

His surname peace and care.


113. The nun


There is the quiet courage of the nun

Who makes her troth with god

Forsaking man and men

To be free in her virginity.


To walk the walk not just talk the talk

Within the convent grounds

To scale the doubts behind the walls

That challenge sanity and loyalty.


No one hears at dead of night

The silent cries of heart and soul

The wish for man and child

That every woman knows.


Kneeling on cold stone

At the altar of her giving

Can she picture now

A saviour more forgiving?


And yet and yet there is a joy

A compromise with nature

A satisfaction so profound

A sanctity that surrounds her.





114. The returned missionaries


Let me speak of the few

Though once they were many

Who forsook wife and family

To serve in a faraway territory.


Decades later to return

Health often ravaged and unwell

To an Ireland they hardly recognize

Which in turn forgets their hell.


Forgets the boyish faces

In photos black and white,

The broad smiles of the sixties

A time of trust and hope.


Yes of course, there were bad ‘uns

As in every walk of life

But these poor privates didn’t make the rules

They just served in self-sacrifice


Oh Ireland how fast you forgot them

Honoured by thousands abroad

Oh Ireland how slow to remember

How often they shared your load.


Bread eaten is quickly forgotten

By men with a message to pen

That sell papers and books

Forgetting or choosing to hide

That most coins have another side.


115. A bruised reed


A bruised reed he will not break

A smoldering wick he will not take

Kindness is his playing suit

His love and gentleness will take root.


In this stony heart now moved to tears

It’s just in silence that he hears

And mercy flows in gentle streams

And grace on silver moonbeams.




116. Our Father


Our Father

Who made the heavens

Hallowed be the ground

May your meekness reign

May your goodness drain

All evil and all pain.


Give us today your daily bread

Soften our hearts in love and joy

Greeting you in every mother

Embracing you in every brother.

Help us look beyond our sins

To the beauty you created

Within every single one

For ever and ever



117. The Path to God


The path to god is perforce a solitary one

But friends light up the path

With tea lights along the grassy airstrip

With tiny acts of love

That serve as runways

Allowing us to take flight

In search for truth

To safely land in a place

That seems foreign and strange

Until our eyes adjust

And we recognize

A land called home

A town called community.





118. Gospel of the second chance


He preached the Gospel of the second chance

Of the seventh chance and the tenth

He refused to stone her

In the market square

As the voters wanted

But instead advised her

To keep some better company.

He ate with lawyers and with addicts

He drank with rich and poor

He didn’t ask what a man earned

How much he had in store.


Instead he looked into men’s hearts

And searched inside their soul

For that of god in every man

And always found it, if truth be told.


Slow to anger but hasty to forgive

His aim was freedom

Freeing prisoners from their cells

Freeing freemen from themselves.




119. All Alone       


Into the world we came, wondering

Out we shuffle, wandering

On the road we travel and meet

Men and women, Gods and devils;

Our journey is longer and our path is steeper,

As we arrive at the end like the start

Alone – and only alone can take the final step,

Into nothing – or maybe everything.

Along uncertain untrodden paths

And so it was and will always be

The lonely march into infinity.

120. Glory Be


Glory be

The force and mind

That conceived all being.


Before time was time

When chaos reigned

Between competing galaxies.


Glory be the mind

That conceived the key

To now and eternity.


Praise be peace and silence

That provides a window

To glimpse beyond somehow.


Wonder be eternity

Where we shall ever dwell

You and me.



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